Becky Allen Books

YA fantasy writer. Not a morning person.

Tag: annual wrap up

  • Several notebooks and pens in different colors sprawled across a wooden desk

    On writing as play, 2024 wins, and 2025 goals

    It’s that time! The one time a year I reliably send a newsletter or write a blog post, to update with what all I did last year. Here’s an archive of word counts from the last, gosh, decade. I’ve focused less on word count stats in recent years, though — I know I consistently draft…


  • A screencap of a color-coded spreadsheet with wordcounts (too small to read) broken out by month over 10 years

    2023 Word Count, and 2024 Goals

    Quick check in: with the demise of Tinyletter, I’ve moved my newsletter over to Buttondown. If you subscribed previously you don’t have to subscribe again, and I’m going to continue cross-posting here, too, since I think this version looks nicer than the Buttondown archives. (And if you haven’t subscribed yet: please do!) It’s February, which…


  • A collage featuring a printed manuscript, an open journal, a keyboard, and some pens

    Getting Back on Track… Slowly: 2022 in Numbers

    Hi. So. I didn’t do my word count blog entry for 2021, because it was a long crappy year and I didn’t feel like it in January and then I forgot. If you’re curious, I spent all of 2021 on a slow, painful, major revision to the project that I’ve been working on for a…


  • Writing Through the Pandemic: 2020 Wordcount

    Hello! First a reminder that I only update this blog once a year for this very word count post. If you want to know what I’m up to more often, try my newsletter (though even that isn’t too frequent…). After everything the horrors of last year took from us, perhaps the pettiest complaint is that…


  • Recovering from Burnout: 2019 by the Numbers

    2019 marks the fifth year I’ve tracked my writing and done a summary of it.


  • A Year In Numbers: 2018

    Hello! It’s 2019! I’m still not going to blog much, but I do want to keep up the tradition of sharing some info about a whole year’s worth of writing, so here you go.  I wish I had more news to share, or at least better stats, but… well, 2018 was what it was.  And…


  • Writing While The World Burns: 2017 in Numbers

    Oh boy. Okay. So part of me is tempted to not do my writing numbers round up for the year, because my writing numbers for 2017 were…not great. But actually, as subscribers to my newsletter know, my 2017 as a whole was not great. So I guess acknowledging that even though I was waaaaaay less…


  • A Year in Writing: 2016

    In early January, I usually take a minute to reflect and write a blog entry about the past year. I’m not doing that this year. To be honest, most of 2016 is kind of a blur to me, and the election overshadowed pretty much everything else — up to and including my book release. It…


  • writing notes

    Fun With Numbers, or, One Year Writing

    I’ve tracked my writing in various ways for years and years – but generally only in sheer number of words drafted, which (I’ve mentioned before) has always led to me feeling as if I’m not making progress when I do anything but draft, and that is no good! So in late January 2015, I decided…
