Book Two’s title and cover are finally revealed! They were shared at Hey Teen Books Hey last night – along with an interview about the books, libraries, and more. Click through to find it…but I’m gonna share the cover here, too.

ISN’T IT BEAUTIFUL??? I love the new color scheme, and I looooove that Jae is now defiantly facing down the world instead of trudging off to save it. Here’s the cover copy:
Revolution is nigh, and one girl stands at the head of it all.
Jae used to be a slave, laboring with the rest of her people under a curse that forced her to obey any order she was given. At seventeen years old, she became the only person to break free—ever. She alone found magic. Now she wants to use her power to free the rest of her people, but the ruling class will do anything to stop her.
Jae knows that breaking the curse on her people would cause widespread chaos, even unimaginable violence between the castes, and her caste would likely see the worst of it. Many would die. But to let them remain shackled is to doom them to continue living without free will.
How is one girl, raised a slave and never taught to wield responsibility or power, supposed to decide the fate of a nation? She will have to start a revolution and find out.
You can pre-order on Amazon or Barnes & Noble, or add on Goodreads!
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