Recovering from Burnout: 2019 by the Numbers
2019 marks the fifth year I’ve tracked my writing and done a summary of it.
A Year In Numbers: 2018
Hello! It’s 2019! I’m still not going to blog much, but I do want to keep up the tradition of sharing some info about a whole year’s worth of writing, so here you go. I wish I had more news to share, or at least better stats, but… well, 2018 was what it was. And…
Writing While The World Burns: 2017 in Numbers
Oh boy. Okay. So part of me is tempted to not do my writing numbers round up for the year, because my writing numbers for 2017 were…not great. But actually, as subscribers to my newsletter know, my 2017 as a whole was not great. So I guess acknowledging that even though I was waaaaaay less…
Six Months Out Giveaway
BOOK TWO: IT’S TIME. Um. In six months. Still: six months goes by so quickly! I can’t believe we’re already in June of this completely ludicrous year. So if the next six months go as quickly as the previous six did, well, it’s basically time for Freed by Flame and Storm, right? Or maybe I’m…
Assault, Consent, and Romance in Bound by Blood and Sand
(Notes: This blog entry discusses rape culture, also, there are minor BBB&S spoilers.) It’s April, which is sexual assault awareness month. So I want to take a second to talk about sexual assault in Bound by Blood and Sand, because, well, it’s in there. Jae, the protagonist, is a survivor of rape before the book…
A Year in Writing: 2016
In early January, I usually take a minute to reflect and write a blog entry about the past year. I’m not doing that this year. To be honest, most of 2016 is kind of a blur to me, and the election overshadowed pretty much everything else — up to and including my book release. It…